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ZShell has a 1024 byte circular history buffer. It works similar
to most other shells, the NEWCON: handler in Workbench V1.3 and
the standard console handler in OS2.0+.

You can change the edit keys with  CONFIG CTRLKEYS .
These are the default keys:

  UP ARROW        - go back one line in the history buffer
  DOWN ARROW      - go forward one line in the history buffer
  SHIFT UP ARROW  - go to the 1st line in the history buffer if nothing
                    was typed. Otherwise the string left of the cursor
                    will be searched in history buffer (like in OS2.0+)
  SHIFT DOWN ARROW- go to the last line in the history buffer, which
                    holds the last modified line
                    This is some kind of undo.

  LEFT ARROW      - move cursor left
  RIGHT ARROW     - move cursor right
  SHIFT LEFT ARROW- move cursor to left end
  SHIFT RIGHT ARROW move cursor to right end
  CTRL R          - move cursor to start of previous word
  CTRL T          - move cursor to start of next word

  CTRL S          - delete to start of line
  CTRL E          - delete to end of line
  CTRL W          - delete one word right of cursor
  CTRL Q          - delete one word left of cursor
  CTRL X          - delete whole line

  TAB             - see  FILENAME COMPLETION  (that is great !)
  SHIFT TAB       - read  review-buffer  with  MORE 
  CTRL V          - read history-buffer with  MORE 
  CTRL F          - pop up a filerequester (needs asl.library)
                    See  FILENAME COMPLETION  for more.
  CTRL L          - clear the ZShell window
  CTRL P          - clear the Filename completion buffer. This is useful
                    with CrossDOS, because it does not notice changes.

  RETURN          - put commandline in history-buffer and execute it
  SHIFT RETURN    - put commandline in history-buffer without executing
  ESC (Escape)    - quit ZShell like  ENDCLI  (I like this very much !)

Words are delimited by space, point, slash and colon ( ./:).
Again, command line editing is similar to most shells. Backspace,
delete and return do what they are supposed to do.

If you have defined (using  ALIAS ) some Function keys,
you can use them, too.

You can drop Workbench-Icons into the ZShell's window. Then the name of
the icon will be inserted into the commandline.
When in  iconifyed  mode, you can drop an icon on that
Application-Icon with the same effect.